Saturday, 30 October 2010

Thoughts on Final Idea

After having a group meeting it was new ideas were discussed and a final idea was decided upon. The final idea was the have the word Essex expressed through each letter of the word. For example E would represent Entertainment. This means that each group member would be able to focus on a specific letter. We would be able to use the word 'ESSEX' as a transition between each letter. For example, the word ESSEX would be shown and the camera would zoom into and through one of the letters like a keyhole and inside that letter it would so a different aspect of Essex. After one letter was finished it would zoom out of the letter and zoom into another one.

I thoroughly like this idea because it means that each group member will be able to work on sections of this animation and we would need to come together to make sure each section is similar. I also like this idea because each aspect of Essex can be shown instead of only small amounts.

This is what each letter will stand for and who will be doing this section:
  • E - Entertainment - Jemma
  • S - Scenery - Me
  • S - Shopping - Jenny
  • E - Eating Out - Mae
  • X - Exciting - As a group
I am looking forward to being able to show the different scenery in Essex and being able to show my skills through another project. I already have a few ideas in mind of how I am going to achieve a good display of the scenery in Essex and I am looking forward to working in a group for this project.

Thoughts after Initial Ideas

After thinking of a few ideas that could be included into the project I am not very sure that this will be an easy task. Many of the ideas will be very difficult to achieve in 3Ds Max. For example, the group thought about making an island similar to one shown on a popular morning programme weather report. This would be the platform for which many famous buildings and historical places will be placed on a zoomed into the find out more information. This would take a lot of time because of the detail needed and it would also be very difficult to work on this project as a group.

I am confident that we will think of a good idea which will be perfect for this project as there are many different aspects of Essex we could show in 3DS Max.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Initial Thoughts

My initial thoughts about this project is that it is going to be quite difficult to accomplish because I have never had to make something in 3Ds Max as a group. Splitting the different parts of the project between 5 people to work on and then bringing the work together at the end might prove to be a difficult task. This means that each persons work needs to be slightly similar and have a recurring theme and all have the same sort of ideas behind it.

I am looking forward to this project because it will allow me to learn more about creating an end product as a group. I am hoping to learn more about how to communicate with people effectively about how the end result will look and hopefully I will learn lots more about 3Ds Max based on what my group members know and understand. This is a major advantage of working in a group because it will allow us to apply our best skills and knowledge into the project as each person will have advanced knowledge of at least one aspect of 3Ds Max based on past individual projects.